Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB

Just finished Rod Johnson’s excellent and very accessible book Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB. What I think this book does best is provide one with a good introduction and overview of:

  • IoC containers
  • MVC frameworks
  • OR Mapping
  • Unit testing (covers Mock objects as well)
  • AOP
  • Vertical versus Horizontal scaling

Having taken a 2 year hiatus from Java (and EJB) programming, I came back to find the java architecture/framework landscape vastly improved but with a lot to learn (namely IoC, MVC beyond Struts, AOP, and Unit testing). I was also thrilled to find a good open-source OR mapping alternative to Toplink and Cocobase (the latter of which I used for 3 years). This is the 3rd book I’ve read on these topics and so far my favorite!

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